Combo Pareja 1

JAPON JAPON | La Loma Xicohtencatl


Lista de anuncios

Elige tu ingrediente de sushi frito (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Elige tu ramen favorito 1 (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Deseas agregar palillos japoneses? (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Complemento Onigiris (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Ingrediente de tu sushi tradicional (Minimum 1 and Maximum 1 Selections Allowed)

Detalles de producto

2 onigiri + 1 ramen + 1 sushi tradicional (1 ingrediente) + 1 sushi frito (1 ingrediente) + 2 refrescos individuales.
